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Protest rally against the celebrations for the 31st anniversary of the "Islamic Revolution" in Iran

Wednesday February 10th, 6 pm
In front of the residence of the Iranian ambassador to Vienna, Lainzer Strasse 28, 1130 Vienna (Tram 60)

On February 11th, the Iranian regime celebrates the 31st anniversary of the “Islamic Revolution”. As each year the Iranian regime will use that day to celebrate itself – also in Vienna. On February 10th, the Iranian ambassador will host an official reception at his residence. In our opinion, however, there is nothing to celebrate on this day apart from 31 years of resistance against this inhuman regime. 31 years of the “Islamic Republic” mean 31 years of internal and external terror: Persecution of unionists, of national and religious minorities, of student activists, homosexuals, women and oppositionists. Tens of thousands have been killed; millions have been forced into exile. “Death to Israel” has been a core slogan of the regime for 31 years, not just since president Ahmadinjead took office in 2005. And today, the regime is just about to develop nuclear and missile programs to carry out these threats. The Iranian regime denies the Holocaust and brutally cracks down on the freedom movement in the country. In fear of renewed protests at the anniversary of the Islamic revolution, the rulers in Tehran started executing opposition figures to intimidate the people who – at the risk of their lives - are currently engaged in a revolt against the regime. These people deserve our strongest support!

We clearly want answers: Will Austrian diplomats participate in the regime’s reception? Will representatives of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Austrian entrepreneurs raise glasses together with the regime’s henchmen to ensure a continued successful cooperation? Will Austrian politicians serve as a willing decoration for the regime’s self-promotion?

We demand the support of all forces in Iran and in exile who fight for individual freedom, gender equality and for a secular constitutional state. And we demand to cease all supportive measures for the Iranian regime:

- the suspension of diplomatic ties
- tough and immediate economic sanctions against the regime
- the inclusion of the Revolutionary Guards in the EU terror list

Organizer: STOP THE BOMB
Supported by: Aktion gegen den Antisemitismus in Österreich, Bund sozialdemokratischer Juden - Avoda, Bnei Akiva, Bündnis für einen säkularen und demokratischen Iran, Café Critique, Demokratische Partei Kurdistan - Iran, European Council of WIZO Federations, Grüne & Alternative StudentInnen Universität Wien, Grüne Andersrum Wien, Hashomer Hazair, Iran Solidarity Österreich, Liberales Forum, Misrachi Österreich, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East-Austria, SoHo-Sozialdemokratie und Homosexualität, Studienvertretung Judaistik, Vereinigung kurdische Frauen in Wien, Verein der Demokratischen StudentInnen aus Iranisch Kurdistan, Zionistische Föderation in Österreich, ZPC der B'nai B'rith, etc.

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